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News & Events

Learn about recent news and upcoming events from Saint Louis University's Institute for Healing Justice and Equity.


Upcoming Events

Community Conversations with the Institute for Healing Justice and Equity

February 16, 10:30 a.m. CST

Meet the IHJE Co-Founders and engage with them during impactful breakout sessions and intimate Q&A segments. Breakout sessions include Healing Justice, Equity and Policy, Humanizing Equity, and Community Research Ethics.

Past Events

The Color of COVID Webinar Series

The Institute for Healing Justice and Equity presents "The Color of COVID," a webinar series to discuss the crisis and its impact. Details on the sessions can be found below as well as links to view each in its entirety.

"COVID-19 Vaccines"

The Covid-19 pandemic has laid bare inequities in American society. Not only are there racial and ethnic disparities in Covid-19 infections and deaths, but also the pandemic has exacerbated the economic inequities suffered by the poor and middle class. As the federal and state government, Moderna, Pfizer/BioNtech, and AzstraZeneca/Oxford rush to approve and distribute COVID-19 vaccines, they must ensure that it doesn’t cause further inequities.

Panelists: Ana Santos Rutschman, Saint Louis University School of Law; Harald Smith, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine; Ruqaiijah Yearby, Saint Louis University School of Law The Institute for Healing Justice and Equity Presents: "The Color of COVID: COVID-19 Vaccines

"Stopping the Trend"

Facilitated by Keon Gilbert, Dr.Ph., co-founder of Institute for Healing Justice and Equity

Black Americans are dying at higher rates compared to others diagnosed with COVID-19. This disparity points to systemic inequalities related to neighborhoods, housing, access and use of health care services, and the burden of chronic disease within black communities. Scholars, activists and community leaders will discuss the existing inequalities contributing to long standing health inequities and their relationship to COVID-19 outline solutions and action steps that can be taken to stop the trend.

Panelists: Melody Goodman, NYU; Rashawn J. Ray, David M. Rubenstein Fellow at The Brookings Institute and University of Maryland; Brian Smedley, American Psychological Association; Dr. Oliver Brooks, National Medical Association. The Institute for Healing Justice and Equity Presents: "The Color of COVID: Stopping the Trend"

"Healing Justice Approaches to Self and Community Care"

Facilitated by Kira Banks, Ph.D., co-founder of Institute for Healing Justice and Equity

Healing justice is the practice of community and self-care that takes into consideration the stresses and trauma of oppression. COVID-19 has highlighted and exacerbated systemic inequities that disproportionately impact the lives of people of color, and this panel highlights practitioners who have taken innovative approaches to healing justice before and during the pandemic.

Panelists: Emanuel Brown, Strategies for Freedom; Brittini Gray, Healer and Activist; Farzana Khan, Healing Justice London; Nkem Ndefo, Lumos Transforms; Venus Evans-Winters, Illinois State University. The Institute for Healing Justice and Equity Presents: "Healing Justice Approaches to Self and Community Care"