Advocacy Programs
Students interested in learning the art and practice of advocacy can participate in unique courses and outstanding extracurricular opportunities.
Trial Advocacy
The trial advocacy program at SLU LAW provides students with an in-depth and comprehensive introduction to the art of courtroom advocacy. Students learn courtroom advocacy from the perspective of experienced practicing attorneys and are expected to demonstrate their learnings in a half-day final trial.
Moot Court
The Moot Court Program at SLU LAW introduces students to written and oral advocacy in the American appellate court system. Moot Court is an extension of the law school's legal writing program and offers students the opportunity to advance both written and oral advocacy skills.
Inns of Court
The SLU LAW Theodore McMillian American Inn of Court is a collaboration of St. Louis legal community members, including more than 80 attorneys, judges and law school students. They focus on sharing best trial practices, enhancing their commitment to professional skills ethics and engaging in fellowship. The SLU LAW Inn of Court specifically focuses on trial advocacy and litigation aspects of the law.
Transactional Work
Many lawyers practice outside of the courtroom, and SLU LAW provides students with opportunities to develop those legal skills. Through courses such as transactional drafting, advanced commercial and business transactions and transactional health care practice, students learn the critical elements involved in drafting and reviewing documents, contracts and agreements for situations ranging from leasing property to creating a business.
Deline Ethics and Professionalism
The Deline Ethics and Professionalism Program is part of an overarching program that starts during the students' first year and explores the ethical and professionalism issues integral to the practice of law.